And for that, we have the DIGI WWWOW Awards!
Digi WWWOW Awards is unlike any other awards in Malaysia – it is 100% user-generated entries to showcase the incredible creativity, ingenuity and entrepreneurialism of ordinary Malaysian(s) using the Internet in an extraordinary way to inspire others. This award aims to give them the recognition they deserve and help take their work to a whole new level.
You can nominate yourself/your favorite person by 8 different categories:
Videos & Photography | Social Influencers | Independent Publishers | Web commerce | Mobile app commerce | Social media commerce | Social impact | Social gathering
Submissions are open from 14 Sept – 12 Oct 2015 only!
The judging process will be held in an open setting, available for public viewing from 13 Oct till 12 Nov 2015. You can also choose your favourite submission with the WWWOW Peoples' Choice Award by casting your votes from 19 – 30 Oct 2015.
On top of winning RM10,000 each, the 8 category winners will have the rare opportunity to sit in with industry experts to elevate their businesses, platforms and social ventures.
Are you pump up yet?
One of the categories is Web Commerce. This award is meant for entrepreneurial owners or creators of e-commerce sites, blog shops and all kinds of community services that are web-based. If you own a blogshop/admin of a community online, this is made for you ♥
We have to thank them that we have the choice of shopping 24/7 whenever, wherever we want! Online shopping does make all our lives easier.
If I'm an entrepreneur, I would like to share all the great things we have in Malaysia to the world. The internet really broadens our network and helps us reach places we cannot reach physically, I would like to share our Malaysian treasures & cultures to those people in the other far side of the world. It's undeniable Malaysia has it's own uniqueness & beauty.
Working on my trusty 4 year old laptop |
Always on my phone to check on emails |
Watch "Digi #WWWOW2015 Awards. Are you the next Internet hero?" on YouTube
For more info, go to