This rang a bell in my head that I should be doing this more often. I really miss the good old outdoor activities with my friends, where we can sweat and get our endorphines pumping! I was in Titiwangsa park, I saw a group of friends walking on water in a ball, they tripped over and over again. I know, it's not easy but it was so funny and they were having so much fun together. I can't help myself and I laughed along with them. Darn, I miss these silly moments.
I was googling and I found we can actually purchase these Water ball at inflatable zone toys. This company specializes in big inflatable products, such as Zorb Ball or Bubble Soccer and water game toys like Trampoline, Inflatable slides, Bouncer and Pools. They even have 1 year quality guarantee and free repair kit given for every purchase! Not to forget, they can be customize to your liking or even add your own personal logo. There are a few colours to choose from!
The multi coloured one because this reminds me of Katy Perry's California Girls music video.
Besides that, they also have these heavy duty Inflatable Jump Bag for sale for stunts, giant jumping bag or a giant bed to lay down to soak in the sun for the Vitamin D *sunglasses on*.
If you are thinking of getting one of the water walking ball, they do provide wholesale cheap water walking ball at a good price! They do ship worldwide, you can enjoy free shipping to United States,Canada, Europe, Australia and Asia (Arrive within 14 working days!), since these things are heavy, you can save up on the hefty shipping fees! Don't worry, you can shop and pay by PayPal or your credit card.
Pictures are from Inflatable-zone, you can check out their website for more information and plan good outdoor activities to do with your friends and family.
Time to get some fun in the sun, get healthy and sweat the stress out!